/***************************************************************** * * OPAG - Opag Informatik AG * * opg_version.h - OPAG Gtk/Lua Interpreter * * Created : 25.11.12 F. Paquet * ***************************************************************** */ #ifndef OPG_VERSION_DEFINED #define OPG_VERSION_DEFINED /* Note: other files to edit when changing OPG Version: casy..VersionsNr.proc */ #define OPG_MAJOR_VERSION 4 #define OPG_MINOR_VERSION 1 #define OPG_MICRO_VERSION 46 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.46" #define OPG_COMPANY "casymir schweiz ag" #define OPG_DESCRIPTION "CASYMIR Gtk/Lua Framework" #define OPG_COPYRIGHT "(c) casymir schweiz ag, 2023" #ifdef MinGW32x #define OPG_VERSION_S3_ARCH OPG_VERSION_S3 "/32-Bit" #else #define OPG_VERSION_S3_ARCH OPG_VERSION_S3 "/64-Bit" #endif /* #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.46" - upgrade sql_lib to V1.20 (new protocol MSSQLCS added) - added version to application name in SQL connect 0320868 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.45" - fixed excel extension 318497,319643,319696,319548 - upgrade rwrun to V1.41 - upgrade opex to V1.50 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.44" - warning: this release generates unuseable excel extensions 318497,319643 - upgrade rwrun to V1.40 - upgrade opex to V1.49 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.43" - upgrade luaxml1 - cancelled, not possible #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.42" - opg_schema_gen fixed #309130 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.41" - upgrade curl to v7.79.1 - upgrade lua-cURL to v0.3.13 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.40" - Oregator V3.01.025, ELEMENT function with multibyte delimiter fixed 311543 - rwrun V1.39 collect process output and send to casylog after process termination #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.39" - support more signals in opg.signal_connect() - new function opg.get_sigh_map() - upgrade GtkSheet to V3.5.1 (bugfix release) #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.38" - upgrade luaopenssl to v0.8.0 307620 - fixed opg_schema_gen 307876 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.37" - fixed curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired 306629 https://scotthelme.co.uk/lets-encrypt-old-root-expiration/ - upgrade ca-bundle.crt to Thu Sep 30 03:12:05 2021 GMT - upgrade openssl to version 1.0.2p -> 1.0.2u - upgrade nghttp2 1.34.0 -> 1.42.0 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.36" - Oregator V3.01.024, NUMPAGES fixed for empty pages, ELEMENT fixed 302043,306039 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.35" - Oregator V3.01.023, SEGV fixed 302506, NUMPAGES counter fixed 302701 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.34" - OPG, new GHS Icon GHS-T90, 303039 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.33" - Lua: include modules luasql, luacasy and ftcsv on Linux #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.32" - Oregator V3.01.021, removed obsolete PCL5 driver - Lua, cleanup of package.path and package.cpath - OPG cleanup install directories #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.31" - Oregator V3.1.020, QR-Code fixed 300356 - xrdp upgraded to V0.9.15 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.30" - Improvement: update libqrencode to v4.1.1 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.29" - check thousands separator on startup with popup warning 238547 - libpng updated to version 1.6.37 239716 - Oregator V3.1.018 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.28" - Build Environment reconfigured, due to changes in pkg-config (Homebrew) #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.27" - Gtk2: iconview, click on background fixed 231084 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.26" - Linux: use xdg_open to open printed or saved documents #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.25" - fonts:conf: NSI installer disables WINDOWSFONTSDIR #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.24" - Oregator V3.1.012 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.23" - fa icon set updated #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.22" - Oregator V3.01.011 - new function opg.markup_escape #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.21" - casy_arc V1.15 - added lua-cURLv3 with HTTP2 support - handle motion-notify-event on GtkWidget - upgrade OpenSSL to V1.0.2p - upgrade XMLSEC to V1.2.25 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.20" - fixed SEGV on Linux (coco stack overflow) #223999 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.19" - replaced GtkExtra by GtkSheet #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.18" - support for GS1-Datamatrix FNC1 separator #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.17" - added opg.read_local - added opg.send_activate_link - deprecated opg.send_client_event, opg.send_message - support for signal GtkWidget::query-tooltip - support for signal GtkStatusIcon::query-tooltip - support for signal GooCanvasItem::query-tooltip - support for GtkIconView in opg.enable_model_drag_source - support for GtkIconView in opg.enable_model_drag_dest - set Context.ModifierState on BUTTON_PRESS and BUTTON_RELEASE events - opg_sio: increased number of sio devices to 20 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.16" - oregator V3.01.006 Cairo PNG driver - Gtk TextView patch #220429 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.15" - oregator Cairo PostScript driver - casyd V1.38 activated SubProcEnvLDPath fixed installation paths for OPG - opg - new status icons - casyd.ini: new subprocess settings in [Global] SubProcEnvPath: set subprocess environment PATH SubProcEnvLDPath: set subprocess environment LI_LIBRARY_PATH SubProcRwrunExe: set rwrun executable SubProcCasyDTAExe: set casydta executable SubProcDMailExe: set dmail executable SubProcCasyLoadExe: set casy_load executable - casyd: new commandline option -c to set config file - casyd: pass FREETDSCONF to subprocess environment - Libbarcd - Support for Callbacks (Oregator/Cairo) - GtkExtra 3.3.4 - GtkDataEntry - memory hole fixed PR#217304 - GtkDataEntry - memory hole fixed PR#217304 - GtkDataEntry - fixed max_len_bytes check on paste PR#217304 - GtkDataEntry - added input filters Ignore(), Accept(), Reject() #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.14" - changed Datamatrix DmtxFlipY to DmtxFlipNone #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.13" - support for barcodes: QR, Datamatrix #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.12" - support for signal GtkAdjustment::value-changed #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.11" - support for indian locales - added locale debug output during startup #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.10" - fixed gdk.Pixbuf:save() option parsing #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.09" - MySQL Driver - BLOB support - Oregator V2.98 - MySQL and BLOB support #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.08" - 09.01.16/fp - rebuilt distribution - 09.01.16/fp - Fontconfig LOCAL_APPDATA_FONTCONFIG_CACHE - 02.01.16/fp - added MySQL Connector #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.07" - Updates Base-Libs: glib 2.44.1, pixman 0.32.8 cairo 1.12.18, - Updates Base-Libs: pango 1.36.8, gdk_pixbuf 2.30.8 , gtk 2.24.28 - Linux: fixed browser start command (xdg-open) - Update GtkExtra to V3.2.0 (support for Plot Widgets) - GDK Keypad decimal point / comma patch 206544 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.06" - GtkDataEntry: fix dataformat race condition in gtk_data_entry_get_text() PR#205431 - added opg_schema_gen to developer distribution #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.05" - added opg.connect(obj, 'notify::xxx') - GtkSheet: fix SEGV in draw_xor_rectangle() PR#203012,201893,203139,204742 - GtkSheet: fix Invalid read of size 4 in _gtk_sheet_move_query() #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.04" - bug fix: GtkExtra V3.1.3 - PR#202688 - bug fix: libsql - max cols increased to 250 - bug fix: opim V1.27 - SEGV #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.03" - bug fix: GtkSheet: set text of active sheet cell PR#104553 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.02" - bug fix: lgob: crash when set object property to nil - bug fix: goocanvas: coordinate conversion - added opg.createtable PR#104325 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.01" - bug fix: opg.c:3476: warning: missing sentinel in function call - improvement: remap F8 binding on GtkPaned to Ctrl-F6 - bug fix: upgrade to Gtk+-2.24.23 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.1.00" - first productive release - added status icons #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.0.42" - SEGV fix PR#101503,PR#102268, PR#102544, PR#102458 - added Gtk Module GooCanvas #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.0.41" - GtkSheed: gtk_widget_get_toplevel fix PR#102114,101967,100847 - SIO Driver: range checks PR#101933 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.0.40" - GtkItemEntry: fix SEGV, PR#101967, PR#101214, PR#100847, PR#101004 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.0.39" - support for 64-Bit Windows - glib optimized for 32-Bit Windows #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.0.38" - fixed LGOB crash PR#97829 - base libraries recompiled with win-threads - new build environment based on gcc 4.9.0 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.0.37" - fixed SEGV with CapsLock PR#99166 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.0.36" - PR#100501 - new builtin function opg.charindex() - SYBCS driver: SEGV with zero string length fixed #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.0.35" - support for opg.gdk_window_set_cursor #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.0.34" - wrap-mode in GtkSheetColumn PR#9931 - fixed GtkSheet cell activation w/large content - fixed GtkDataTextView copy/paste into length limited buffer - fixed GtkSheet: fixed maximum autosized row height #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.0.33" - Support for GtkTreeView::item-activated signal #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.0.32" - PR#99620 - allow to connect delete-event on GtkDialog #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.0.31" - PR#99133 - setenv FREETDSCONF and FREETDS upon startup - new commandline option -v, --ShowDebugMessages #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.0.30" - Based on Gtk 2.24.21 Updated Packages: LIBPNG, JPEG, TIFF, LIBZIP, GLIB, FREETYPE, PIXMAN, CAIRO, GDK_PIXBUF, GTK, GLADE3 #define OPG_VERSION_S3 "4.0.26" - Based on Gtk 2.24.18 */ #endif